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In Memory of Miss Cookie Miyuki

10/17/87 - 10/22/03

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It's Miss Cookie!

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Thursday, October 30, 2003  

Ever since I brought Cookie home, things feel different. I'm not as sad and things aren't as lonely or depressing. I have her remains with her picture on the front (in the frame thing) above my fireplace. I feel like she is able to look upon my apartment and watch over me. With her picture on the urn thingy on the fireplace (and facing the front door), it is the first thing I look for when I walk into my home. I guess it feels like I have finally brought her home again.

Now though, when I think about Cookie, I feel relief knowing I did the right thing and that I truly gave her a gift. What if I had waited a day or two to let her go? I'm sure she would have felt awful or even worse, what if she were in pain or suffering? Everyone tells me not only am I lucky that I had Cookie as long as I did, but that the way she died sounds peaceful and the way it should be. I mean, I got to hold her and she had to feel the love not only from me holding her, but from my parents who also let her know what a good dog she was and how much she was loved. I hope she did...I don't think any dog was loved as much. There wasn't a person who saw her who didn't think she was the cutest thing ever.

The more I think about it everyday, the more I understand how lucky I am to have had her in my life. I know it sounds cheezy, but when I think about her, my heart fills with love for her even more than it did before. I never thought I could love her more than I did when she was around, but I guess I can.

posted by lisa | linkorama | |
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