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In Memory of Miss Cookie Miyuki

10/17/87 - 10/22/03

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It's Miss Cookie!

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Thursday, March 11, 2004  

The only regret I have about my life with Cookie was that I didn't let her sleep on my bed the last few days before she first went to the hospital. I hope she didn't think I was tired of her or gave up on her and her health. It's just that with her eye infection, I wasn't able to give her a bath and she was really stinky.

I just miss her so much still. Every night, when I close my eyes I remember what it felt like to hold her. As much comfort as that gives me, it also makes me feel so horrible because I know I'll never get that back again...ever. I know I'm lucky because I got the chance I was so afraid I'd never get -- to say good-bye. But really, I wasn't ready to let her go. I was truly convinced that I would get more time with her...months if not years more. She had just turned 16 when she died, which really is 64 in human years...but I believed (or wanted to) that she would live the max any dog would her size would live to -- 20 (or 80 in human years). 64 isn't very old, it's not even senior citizen age yet...Cookie had her golden years ahead of her. She was cheated and so was I.

posted by lisa | linkorama | |
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